
Our lovely golden brown hens have both pretty much laid an egg a day since we picked them up from a neighbor down the rode. They are friendly, attractive, reliable hens. We got them, Ruby & Rose, and our first rooster Tommy, when the girls were nine months old. Couple months later, we drove to Rogue River Oregon and picked up five Cuckoo Maran pullets. The were adorable as young pullets, then a bit fugly looking after a couple months and now are growing up to be gorgeous hens. Later, a Cuckoo Maran rooster, a two year old Cuckoo Maran hen and a Splash Cochin all joined the flock. We've lost several to predators but have maintained 8-15 chickens at a time.
Our Goldens, Ruby and Rose, lay large brown eggs. Our Cuckoo Marans lay small-medium, dark brown & dark brown speckled eggs. Recently, we adopted five more beautiful hens, one Wyandotte and four Ameraucana. Theses are our blue-green easter egg layers. The picture above is of eggs gathered over a weeks time in the summer. We think they all taste fabulous.

Blossom making baby chicks

Our mama-to-be, Blossom, just weeks before she started brooding.

These are the chuckoo maran eggs she's been setting on. One more week to go!!

With only a week to go, she's off the nest every day -for no more than 30 minutes. Her feathers remain all puffed out even when she's off the nest.
Blossom originally went broody in the coop with all the other hens, but thankfully, she graciously accepted the move to the brooder box early on. So, no worries about the hens laying fresh eggs on top of the soon-to-hatch eggs. Also, the ground level brooder box should allow newly hatched chicks easy access to the enclosed pen while they're still small.

Maran Rooster, new addition!

Below are pictures of Tom. He is our Maran rooster. We are looking forward to breeding Marans this summer. Tom is a year younger than Tommy who we lost in May 2010.

New Matriarch, Two year old Maran

Knock knock

Sorry guys, can't come in.

Blossom, our Splash Cochin

Blossom is a great addition to the flock. She joined us back in May. She is one year old and lays danty light colored eggs. She is anxiously awaiting the day we don't collect the eggs. She's a brooder at heart and a sweet hen.

Free Ranging

The hens love this part of the property. And we love that they love it. It's right outside the living room, so we're constantly amused by them.

The Coop

Coop was built onsite in 2009. Took about two days to finish.

Ruby and Rose

Just below our two-year old Maran, Ruby and Rose are top of the pecking order. They have lovely dispositions and are reliable egg layers.

Cuckoo Marans

Cuckoo Marans originated in France in or around the town of Maran. Our girls grandfather & grandmotherhen were brought to the states from Germany.
Marans are prized not only for their extremely dark chocolate colored eggs but also for their fine quality meat. Our girls just started laying this year and we hope for many years of reliable egg production.