Our lovely golden brown hens have both pretty much laid an egg a day since we picked them up from a neighbor down the rode. They are friendly, attractive, reliable hens. We got them, Ruby & Rose, and our first rooster Tommy, when the girls were nine months old. Couple months later, we drove to Rogue River Oregon and picked up five Cuckoo Maran pullets. The were adorable as young pullets, then a bit fugly looking after a couple months and now are growing up to be gorgeous hens. Later, a Cuckoo Maran rooster, a two year old Cuckoo Maran hen and a Splash Cochin all joined the flock. We've lost several to predators but have maintained 8-15 chickens at a time.
Our Goldens, Ruby and Rose, lay large brown eggs. Our Cuckoo Marans lay small-medium, dark brown & dark brown speckled eggs. Recently, we adopted five more beautiful hens, one Wyandotte and four Ameraucana. Theses are our blue-green easter egg layers. The picture above is of eggs gathered over a weeks time in the summer. We think they all taste fabulous.